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How To Create A Python Environment Using Conda

By Nicholas Brown

You can create a Python environment that runs the version you need to use in your terminal on Linux, and without removing or replacing the version that came with your operating system (OS). One of the benefits is that it can remedy compatibility issues that an app you want to run may have with your version of Python, or even with libraries that aren’t compatible with your version.

The Python environment can be created using the ‘conda create’ command. For example, to create a Python 3.7 environment and activate it, you’d run the following two commands in a terminal:

conda create --name py37_envir python=3.7 --yes

conda activate py37_envir

You can also deactivate the Python environment using the ‘conda deactivate command.

The environment in this example is named ‘py37_envir’, but you can give it a different name if you wish.

How To Save A Conda Environment For Later Use

You can save your Conda environment for later use by exporting it to a file using the following command:

conda env export > environment.yml

You can reload or reuse a Conda environment even after you reboot by using the following command:

conda activate py37_envir

Further Reading: Managing Environments In Conda

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