This RM57L ADC code sample demonstrates how to use the TI RM57L843 MCU (from the RM57L Launchpad kit) to measure temperature using a 3435B thermistor.
/* USER CODE BEGIN (1) */ #include "HL_adc.h" //The ADC library we'll use to read the sensor. /* USER CODE END */ void main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN (3) */ adcData_t adc_data; //ADC Data Structure. adcData_t *adc_data_ptr = &adc_data; //ADC Data Pointer. unsigned int value; //The ADC value is stored in this variable. float resistance; //The resistance of the thermistor at the current temperature reading; float degperohm = 0.003267974; //Degrees per ohm of resistance. unsigned int temperature; //The temperature in degrees Celsius. adcInit(); //Initialize the ADC module. while(1) //ADC conversion loop. { adcStartConversion(adcREG1, 1U); //Start conversion on ADC 1. while(!adcIsConversionComplete(adcREG1, 1U)); //Keep looping until the conversion is complete. adcGetData(adcREG1, 1U, adc_data_ptr); //Store conversion into ADC pointer value = (unsigned int)adc_data_ptr->value; resistance = 1000 * (4096 / value); temperature = degperohm * resistance; } //End of ADC conversion loop. /* USER CODE END */ }