MTV just premiered the first season of their new show — EyeCandy, starring Victoria Justice as Lindy, Casey Deidrick as Tommy, and Daniel Lissing as Ben (in the first episode). EyeCandy is about a 21-year-old computer-literate girl named Lindy who lost her sister to a kidnapper, and has made it her life’s work to catch him. During her pursuit, she was rudely awakened by his uncanny technical prowess which he used to show her that she didn’t stand a chance against him.
It seemed as if everywhere she went, he was already there to leave her a creepy ‘I beat you to it’ message. Being the brave girl that she is, she didn’t give up. She continued to pursue him. Unfortunately, the stalker tricked her into thinking that her best friend Sophia (Kiersy Clemons) was trapped in her apartment with him, so she rushed over to Sophia’s apartment and called Ben for assistance. Ben was a police officer who was very protective of Lindy, so he hurried over to the apartment.
On her way to the apartment, Lindy called Sophia to tell her that the stalker was in her apartment. Sophia said she wasn’t at the apartment and Lindy immediately realized it was a trap. Unfortunately, she was too late. Ben already entered the apartment and got caught by the stalker, who then killed him after torturing Lindy with footage of him in captivity. This was a saddening moment for many viewers, including myself. It looked like Lindy and Ben could have been a cute couple.
In the second episode, Lindy tried to find Ben’s killer by going on dates which potential suspects. She got into the car of a suspicious one and allowed him to take her to a junkyard with Tommy following behind. Somehow, the killer managed to throw Tommy in the trunk of his own car, lock Lindy in that same car, and then accelerate it uncontrollably without a driver. Lindy used her technical prowess to stop the car and save Tommy as well.
This is a fairly unique show with an interesting twist. Roles like these are usually done by males, so i’m glad to see a female for a change. As for the killer: He is a shocker, but he is unrealistic. However, would realistic TV be entertaining? Probably not. EyeCandy airs on Mondays at 10PM EST on the MTV channel.
Image obtained with thanks from Ray Forster on Flickr.