Many years ago, an object 1.5 times larger than a human skull was reportedly discovered and photographed by Anton Spangenberg. It was a skull with terribly large eyes, and a look sinister enough to strike fear into anyone’s heart. It looks evil. But is it real?
Shortly after viewing this photo, I noticed that the shape of the eyes was very familiar (green aliens, anyone?). The large eyes suggest that the creature it belonged to was nocturnal or lived on a dark planet. The smooth cranium also suggests that the creature may have adapted to a cold climate.
Could this be just another fake skull crafted conveniently to look like the same old green aliens we’ve seen in popular mythology? It sure reeks of that. The big sinister eyes, the tiny nose, and the enormous head. It looks very much like a stereotypical green alien, making it hard for me to take it seriously. Whether or not this is fake, it makes a exciting story.