General Motors (GM) has hired former VP of engineering for Apple’s Cloud Services division Mike Abbott to develop the latest generation of infotainment systems for GM vehicles.
GM recently decided to phase out support for Apple CarPlay in their electric vehicles’ infotainment systems, and are replacing it with a proprietary one that they are collaborating with Google on. The decision to hire a former Apple engineering staff member makes me wonder if GM intends to incorporate iPhone support into the new proprietary system.
The decision to hire Mike Abbott should help to bring some expertise about the Apple ecosystem over to GM and aid the development of the new proprietary system. Whether or not the new proprietary system works better than standard Apple CarPlay remains to be seen. Proprietary technology is seldom better than standards and often compromises compatibility. On the other hand, it can result in better technology if (and only if) the company developing it puts a great deal of effort into designing and testing it.