Google has teamed up with Apple — the manufacturer of AirTags to protect Android users from being stalked with AirTags. AirTags are equipped with anti-tracking features that notify you if you’re being tracked against your will. However, they (as well as that anti-stalking feature) are designed for iPhones, which means that Android users won’t be notified of such attempts.
Google is working with Apple to solve this problem so that Android devices will soon notify you if someone is using an AirTag to track you without your permission. AirTags are designed to track lost or stolen objects such as keys, bags, wallets, among many other things which makes them useful.
Unfortunately, many useful things come with disadvantages. The use of AirTags by criminals to stalk their victims has turned into a major problem, and companies have been trying to figure out a solution. It is great to see two competing companies work together to address this problem and improve public safety.
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